Introduction to Logic
Sets, Functions, Relations
Algebra - Khan Academy
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Section 1.1
Video 1.1
- Introduction
Section 1.2
Video 1.2
- Logical Sentences
Section 1.3
Video 1.3
- Logical Entailment
Section 1.4
Video 1.4
- Logical Proofs
Section 1.5
Video 1.5
- Symbolic Logic
Section 1.6
Video 1.6
- Automation
Section 1.7
Video 1.7
- Conclusion
Exercise 1.1
Exercise 1.2
Exercise 1.3
Exercise 1.4
Exercise 1.5
Exercise 1.6
Exercise 1.7
Extra - Alice
Extra - Formal Logic
Puzzle - Locks
(very easy)
Lesson 2 - Propositional Logic
Section 2.1 - Introduction
Section 2.2 - Syntax
Section 2.3 - Semantics
Section 2.4 - Evaluation
Section 2.5 - Satisfaction
Section 2.6 - Example - Natural Language
Section 2.7 - Example - Digital Circuits
Exercise 2.1
Exercise 2.2
Exercise 2.3
Exercise 2.4
Exercise 2.5
Exercise 2.6
Exercise 2.7
Extra - The Big Game
Extra - Labyrinth Puzzle
Puzzle - Coins
Lesson 3 - Propositional Analysis
Section 3.1 - Introduction
Section 3.2 - Logical Properties
Section 3.3 - Logical Equivalence
Section 3.4 - Logical Entailment
Section 3.5 - Logical Consistency
Section 3.6 - Properties and Relationships
Section 3.7 - Equivalence Rewritings
Exercise 3.1
Exercise 3.2
Exercise 3.3
Exercise 3.4
Exercise 3.5
Exercise 3.6
Extra - Satisfiability
Extra - Whodunnit
Extra - Digital Circuits
Tool - Digital Circuit Builder
Tool - Babbage
Tool - Boole
Tool - Quine
Puzzle - Rotors
Lesson 4 - Direct Proofs
Section 4.1 - Introduction
Section 4.2 - Axiom Schemas
Section 4.3 - Rules of Inference
Section 4.4 - Direct Proofs
Section 4.5 - Proof Systems
Section 4.6 - Soundness and Completeness
Exercise 4.1
Exercise 4.2
Exercise 4.3
Exercise 4.4
Exercise 4.5
Tool - Hilbert
Puzzle - Wine
Lesson 5 - Natural Deduction
Section 5.1 - Introduction
Section 5.2 - Conditional Proofs
Section 5.3 - Fitch
Section 5.4 - Soundness and Completeness
Section 5.5 - Reasoning Tips
Exercise 5.1
Exercise 5.2
Exercise 5.3
Exercise 5.4
Exercise 5.5
Exercise 5.6
Exercise 5.7
Exercise 5.8
Exercise 5.9
Exercise 5.10
Exercise 5.11
Exercise 5.12
Exercise 5.13
Exercise 5.14
Tool - Fitch
Puzzle - Counterfeit
Lesson 6 - Resolution Proofs
Section 6.1 - Introduction
Section 6.2 - Clausal Form
Section 6.3 - Resolution Principle
Section 6.4 - Resolution Reasoning
Exercise 6.1
Exercise 6.2
Exercise 6.3
Exercise 6.4
Extra - Box Logic
Tool - Stickel
Tool - Robinson
Puzzle - Pills
Lesson 7 - Relational Logic
Section 7.1 - Introduction
Section 7.2 - Syntax
Section 7.3 - Semantics
Section 7.4 - Evaluation
Section 7.5 - Satisfaction
Section 7.6 - Sorority World
Section 7.7 - Blocks World
Section 7.8 - Modular Arithmetic
Exercise 7.1
Exercise 7.2
Exercise 7.3
Exercise 7.4
Extra - Sorority Life
Extra - Minefinder
Extra - Minefield
Extra - Logicians
Puzzle - Cards
Lesson 8 - Relational Analysis
Section 8.1 - Introduction
Section 8.2 - Logical Properties
Section 8.3 - Logical Relationships
Section 8.4 - Relational Logic and Propositional Logic
Exercise 8.1
Exercise 8.2
Exercise 8.3
Extra - Relational Satisfiability
Tool - Quine
Puzzle - Safecracking
Lesson 9 - Model Checking
Section 9.1 - Introduction
Section 9.2 - Truth Tables
Section 9.3 - Boolean Models
Section 9.4 - Non-Boolean Models
Exercise 9.1
Exercise 9.2
Exercise 9.3
Extra - Train Tracks
Extra - Mineplanner
Extra - Neighborhood
Tool - Clarke
Puzzle - Prisoners
Lesson 10 - Fitch Proofs
Section 10.1 - Introduction
Section 10.2 - Rules for Quantifiers
Section 10.3 - Examples
Section 10.4 - Examples
Exercise 10.1
Exercise 10.2
Exercise 10.3
Exercise 10.4
Exercise 10.5
Exercise 10.6
Exercise 10.7
Exercise 10.8
Exercise 10.9
Exercise 10.10
Extra - Jeopardy
Tool - Fitch
Puzzle - Chessboard
Lesson 11 - Term Logic
Section 11.1 - Introduction
Section 11.2 - Syntax and Semantics
Section 11.3 - Evaluation and Satisfaction
Section 11.4 - Peano Arithmetic
Section 11.5 - Linked Lists
Section 11.6 - Pseudo English
Section 11.7 - Metalevel Logic
Exercise 11.1
Exercise 11.2
Exercise 11.3
Exercise 11.4
Exercise 11.5
Puzzle - Logicians
Lesson 12 - Fitch Proofs
Section 12.1 - Introduction
Section 12.2 - Example - Interactive Logic Grids
Section 12.3 - Non-Compactness and Incompleteness
Section 12.4 - Undecidability
Exercise 12.1
Exercise 12.2
Extra - Blocks World Dynamics
Tool - Fitch
Puzzle - Nim
Lesson 13 - Induction
Section 13.1 - Introduction
Section 13.2 - Domain Closure
Section 13.3 - Linear Induction
Section 13.4 - Tree Induction
Section 13.5 - Structural Induction
Section 13.6 - Multidimensional Induction
Section 13.7 - Embedded Induction
Exercise 13.1
Exercise 13.2
Exercise 13.3
Exercise 13.4
Exercise 13.5
Exercise 13.6
Tool - Fitch
Puzzle - Zoom
Lesson 14 - Resolution
Section 14.1 - Introduction
Section 14.2 - Clausal Form
Section 14.3 - Unification
Section 14.4 - Resolution Principle
Section 14.5 - Resolution Reasoning
Section 14.6 - Unsatisfiability
Section 14.7 - Logical Entailment
Section 14.8 - Answer Extraction
Section 14.9 - Strategies
Exercise 14.1
Exercise 14.2
Exercise 14.3
Exercise 14.4
Exercise 14.5
Exercise 14.6
Exercise 14.7
Exercise 14.8
Exercise 14.9
Exercise 14.10
Puzzle - Nations
Lesson 15 - Equality
Section 15.1 - Introduction
Section 15.2 - Properties of Equality
Section 15.3 - Substitution
Section 15.4 - Fitch With Equality
Section 15.5 - Example - Group Theory
Exercise 15.1
Exercise 15.2
Exercise 15.3
Exercise 15.4
Exercise 15.5
Tool - Fitch
Puzzle - Suarez
Lesson 16 - First-Order Logic
Section 16.1 - Introduction
Section 16.2 - Conceptualization
Section 16.3 - Semantics
Section 16.4 - Blocks World
Section 16.5 - Arithmetic
Section 16.6 - Properties
Section 16.7 - Logical Entailment
Puzzle - Quiz
Lesson 17 - Conclusion
Section 17.1 - Introduction
Section 17.2 - Review
Section 17.3 - Extensions
Puzzle - Enlightenment
Supplementary Material
Herbrand Manifesto
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