Introduction to Logic

Exercise 14.10 - Resolution

Given p(a) and ∀x.(p(x) ⇒ q(x) ∨ r(x)), use Answer Extraction to find a τ such that (q(τ) ∨ r(τ)) is true. Note that you will have to add the goal clauses as premises, since the Goal button does not add goal literals to goals.

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Objects: a, b, c
Functions: f, g
Goal  Incomplete

1 {p(a)} Premise 2 {~p(X),q(X),r(X)} Premise 3 {~q(X),goal(X)} Premise 4 {~r(X),goal(X)} Premise 5 {q(a),r(a)} Resolution 1 2 6 {r(a),goal(a)} Resolution 5 3 7 {goal(a)} Resolution 6 4