This page contains links to exercises relevant to the course. It includes the numbered exercises mentioned in the individual lessons (in the first two columns) as well as extras from the lessons and additional exercises (in the third and fourth columns). All of the exercises give automatic feedback on your work (in the form of checks and exes or equivalent). In addition, all have "Show Answer" buttons, but you should try your best to answer the questions on your own before looking at our answers.
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Propositional Logic
Lesson 3 - Propositional Analysis
Lesson 4 - Direct Proofs
Lesson 5 - Natural Deduction
Lesson 6 - Resolution Proofs
Lesson 7 - Relational Logic
Lesson 8 - Relational Analysis
Lesson 9 - Model Checking
Lesson 10 - Fitch Proofs
Lesson 11 - Functional Logic
Lesson 12 - Fitch Proofs
Lesson 13 - Induction
Lesson 14 - Resolution
Lesson 15 - Equality